Monday, June 23, 2008


I am not actually trying to compare apple - to - apple here, this is so worthy to read. Most countries listed below have a very long reserve life (the amount of years they have till the oil is finished), and they have a low population compared to their oil reserve. Hence, they can cater to their own needs without any bother to the supply. Actually, doing some research can do wonders instead of blaming others.


Population : 4,380,000

Oil Reserve : 97 billion barrels

Production rate : 2.5 million barrels per day

Reserve life : 107 years


Population : 2,851,000

Oil Reserve : 99 billion barrels

Production rate : 2.5 million barrels per day

Reserve life : 108 years


Population : 24,735,000

Oil Reserve : 260 billion barrels

Production rate : 8.8 million barrels per day

Reserve life : 81 years


Population : 71,208,000

Oil Reserve : 136 billion barrels

Production rate : 3.9 million barrels per day

Reserve life : 74 years


Population : 148,093,000

Oil Reserve : 36.2 billion barrels

Production rate : 2.3 million barrels per day

Reserve life : 43 years


Population : 27,877,000

Oil Reserve : 80 billion barrels

Production rate : 2.4 million barrels per day

Reserve life : 91 years


Population : 27,452,091

Oil Reserve : 4.8 billion barrels

Production rate : 550,000 barrels per day

Reserve life : 33 years


paneh said...

Good comparison bro. Boleh den promote kat blog den?

Panglima Perang said...

buleh. amik jo!!

paneh said...

bang bilo nak ado posting baru ni? sibuk sgt ke keja petronas tu? smpi lupa nak bagi alamat kat kwn2. den nak hantar tong kosong nak mintak tolong isikan minyak free. hehehe!